Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Letter to imprisoned Askapena comrades


It was with great dismay that we in Ireland heard of your arrest and the ordeal that you and your families now face. We hope this offers you some comfort that we are thinking about you and we will not stop putting the pressure on our political enemies to end the repression of your countrymen and women, our revolutionary brothers and sisters. Every new wave of arrests brings more worries to Irish shores, another person who we have met, shared a drink with, or know intimately arrested. We remember you all, especially for the great hospitality you always show us on our travels. Remember you, and all the other Basque prisoners of war are in our thoughts. We love and cherish you all, and we strive for your swift and immediate release, and for the safety of all our Basque comrades to express them freely without interference or harassment from the servants of the Spanish state, We are especially angered that even in the face of recent developments in Euskal Herria, the Spanish seem resolute in preventing the democratic rights of the Basque people to agitate for their freedom. Remember comrades we are all proud of you. Please remember the words of one of our greatest Irish heroes Bobby Sands MP "Everybody republican or otherwise has their own part to play. No part is too big, no part is too small"

Thank you for playing yours. We promise we will never stop playing ours

Signed on behalf of Limerick Basques
Ross Taylor

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