Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Ireland 2013

The year 2013 is going to be a memorable year. As an Irish historian I can see myself in 40 years time (aged 27 and still working thanks to the anti-worker policies of successive FF and FG/Labour governments) documenting the events that we all are reading daily in our newspapers and hearing on our radio stations. The issue of the X Case involving the termination of a pregnancy when a woman's life was in danger returned, as we all know, after the tragic death of Dr Savita Halappanavar in Galway last year. I along with thousands others soon marched through the streets of Dublin behind a banner with Savita's image and the words "Never Again". The other issue which is coming to the fore of the debate in Irish, and also British society is the status of marriage equality, ie full civil marriage for same sex or lgbt couples. A couple of weeks ago the Constitution Convention overwhelmingly recommended that the Oireachtas legislate to grant full marriage rights to same sex/lgbt couples, thus sparking another massive debate which has encapsulated all facets of Irish society.

It is interesting, and not all unsurprising that the greatest vocal opponent for the legislation is led by organisations such as the Christian Solidarity Party, the Iona Institute and Youth Defence. All of these organisations have a key issue in common; they are highly influenced by church (predominantly Roman Catholic) doctrine, and financed by large misogynistic, sectarian, homophobic and blatantly racist lobbies in the United States. The figures provided by these American lobbies are astounding and well beyond my remit to estimate but it is my understanding that they are readily available to a person interested and motivated enough to discover the truth behind these organisations.

The conclusion that is made here is that Ireland and Irish society is being flooded with millions of American dollars from organisations who have an ideology akin to the racist cross-burning lunatics of the Ku Klux Klan. It is widely believed that these organisations in the United States who have large Roman Catholic doctrine believe that the 'old country' is the last great beacon of 'good, civilised Catholic beliefs'. It must appear to these people in the United States that here in Ireland there is a surge of godless Marxism akin to the Red Scare of the McCarthy era. These people have cited their Irish roots as a source of pride, yet their misogynist, racist and sectarian ideology denigrates the very beliefs that great patriots such as Wolfe Tone, James Connolly and hundreds more who died fighting for the Ireland which was promised by the Easter Rising of 1916 and the Proclomation, a nation which cherished all of the children of the nation equally. I must remind these people that Irishwomen are children of the nation and many of these women have greatly enriched our country and our society. Homosexuals are also children of the nation and as with the case of women have made an enormous contribution to the fabric of Irish society of the 21st Century. I need only to cite the brave fight of Senator David Norris in his crusade to decriminalise homosexuality.

I wish to take this opportunity to assure readers of this blog that I do respect that people have the right to their religious beliefs and I cherish many friends and comrades who are proud members of the wider Christian family. I do acknowledge that many religious orders and clergymen have done stellar work to alleviate the suffering of the poor and to encourage peace in areas of conflict. One need no further than Fr Alex Reid of Clonard Monastery for a fine example of a 'man of the cloth' who worked tirelessly in pursuit of peace, and what many people will say is now a brighter future for the children of this island. The merits of this argument I do not wish to elaborate on.

The reasoning for the outrage expressed by the anti-choice and homophobic lobby is plainly obvious my friends; they fear change. When an anti-choice person describes the termination of a pregnancy, apart from ignoring scientific and medical fact, (s)he is in fact lamenting the empowerment of that woman to take yet another decision out of the hands of the patriarchal society which was created by DeValera, with the collusion of the church. The Constitution may state that the state recognises (in lay-man's terms) the position of the woman in the household, but to a feminist and egalitarian like myself it is in fact stating that the position of the woman is to support her husband, to obey him and to mindlessly adapt herself to catering for his every need. Thankfully the position of women has become increasingly stronger (yet still a long way off) in this nation. I am grateful and thankful to the great input that women have had in my life, least not my mother and my best friend Ms Kathie Taylor.

Dr Séan Brady, Roman Catholic primate of Ireland cites the 'traditional values of marriage being between a man and woman' as his opposition to proposals of same sex marriage. Homophobes cite the bible stating that relations between two men or women angered Jesus, yet many bible scholars have argued the merits of this argument. It is this writer's humble opinion that the very mention of the term 'tradition marriage' cites the fear that opponents have to same-sex marriage, lies in the fact that a homosexual couple does not feature what they term acceptable as an 'acceptable relationship'. In my humble opinion the fears of same-sex marriage stem not from bible verse, but from the fact that same sex couples involve either two empowered men, or even more fearfully two empowered women. The idea of a same-sex marriage flies in the face of the opponents to such as it offends their very nature of thinking; that men and woman are equal.

I am proud to call myself a follower of James Connolly, a man who did so much in his lifetime it could encapsulate an entire library of books to mention. The thing that I am most proud of, being Irish as well as being an admirer of Connolly, is that the famous document read from the steps of the GPO on Easter Monday 1916 acknowledged the great role that women had to play in the shaping of our nation. This was the first public and international recognition of women and it came at a time when in Britain women were either the silent models in the photos of the elite, or the housemaids who served the elite.

All Irish citizens are equal. It is time for misogynists to drop their opposition to the empowerment of women, and in turn it is the duty of every citizen who considers themselves a feminist and egalitarian to get behind the pro-choice lobby, and to support the campaign to bring marriage equality to same sex couples in this state. Women and homosexuals are our equals in everything, from academia to medicine, and from construction to carpentry. Do we really want our children to grow up in a 21st Century that truly does not value the amazing contribution that is made by all of us who are not only proud, but privileged to call ourselves Irish. I certainly do not.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Letter to Dr Rogelio Alonso, arduous critic of armed nationalism

Dr. Alonso,

My name is Ross Taylor and I am a research student in the University of Limerick department of history, working on an MA project entitled ‘Lagunak! Comparisons of radical Basque and Irish nationalism’. The aim of the project is to compile a concise historical analysis of the similarities and contrasts of the radical nationalist movements in Ireland and the Basque Country, embodied by Sinn Féin/IRA and Herri Batasuna (Ezker Abertzale) and ETA. I know that this is a topic that in your position in your university you have examined quite a bit, and that you are very familiar with the politics, aims and strategies of both nationalist movements. The purpose of me writing this letter is to offer up some of my own insight, and hopefully to engage your thoughts on my own opinions of the radical movements.

Firstly I have noted a short article you wrote in Fortnight magazine, dating December 2005, entitled ‘Alec Reid and the Basques’. In this article you question Fr. Reid’s knowledge of the situation in the Basque Country and of ETA’s conflict with Spain (I note it as conflict rather than simply a terrorist campaign. My reasons for doing so shall become clear) You also criticise Fr Reid for his apparent simplicity in viewing the conflict between ETA and Spain as akin to the conflict between Britain and the IRA, and in saying that, the Good Friday Agreement is not the ideal blueprint to solving conflict. May I put my personal opinion of Fr Reid on record at this point. Fr Reid played a huge part in bringing the North of Ireland from war to peace. He is a man who has the respect of peace-loving individuals, and peace-makers worldwide. Without the clear vision and energy of men such as Fr Alec Reid, this country would surely be still in conflict, both in the communities, and with Britain.

Dr Alonso you have consistently maintained that there are few, if any, cement comparisons between Ireland and the Basque Country, in terms of nationalism, conflict and peace-making. This view has also been expressed publically by successive Spanish government interior ministers, most notably in 1998 at the signing of the Lizarra Declaration, which sought to create a dialogue of peace between all parties in the conflict, based on the Good Friday Agreement.

It is my own opinion, which I have formed over the two years I have compiled my research, that not only does there exist strong feelings of mutual solidarity and fraternity between Irish republicans and Basque radicals (I refuse to use the term separatist which was a derogatory name given by Franco) there is a massive comparison in the aims, tactics, politics and conflicts in which the IRA and ETA exist. There has been notable attempts by the British and Spanish states to eradicate these armed groups by force, drawing radicals into conflict with state forces, police, guardia civil, army etc. These attempts have included the establishment of terrorist groups, such as the UDA and GAL to target and assassinate members and supporters of radical nationalism in both countries. It has also included the fast tracking of ‘terrorist suspects’ through special courts into prison, often times with confessions obtained under duress of torture (this is not a mere allegation, detainees’ complaints of this have been upheld in courts of appeal, such as Danny Morrison successful attempt to have a prior conviction overturned). These courts have been established especially to deal with suspects of ‘terrorism’ and hardly mirror international standards, in my own opinion, for a fair trial, as they do not include juries of the defendants’ peers. Other methods of what I would perceive as ‘state oppression’ have been the banning and suppression of political parties such as Sinn Féin and Herri Batasuna.

Finally in reference to the ongoing political turmoil in Spain, I would offer a dissenting voice to the generally accepted policy of the Spanish government, and what will probably be PP policy if they achieve victory in the upcoming elections. The continuous refusal to engage with representatives of the radical movement in the Basque Country is an affront to accepted ‘norms’ of democracy. It is nearly two years since ETA took a first step in declaring a total ceasefire, and has not broken their word in that time period (as opposed to 2006) and has consistently called upon the Spanish government to enter talks with the (what we know it as in English) ‘Patriotic Left’, to which Zapatero’s government has consistently refused. The government carry the mantra that ETA must surrender its weapons before talks can take place.

The government’s position is somewhat similar to the role of a petulant child causing problems at nursery school. The child (represented by ETA) has expressed her desire to play with this petulant child, even offering one of her toys (armed campaign) as an olive branch. The petulant child is steadfast in its refusal to play and to share its toys, and instead demands the other child’s entire collection of toys (or arsenal if you will) before it even contemplates playing nice.

Now this would be discouraged in nursery school. The teachers (lets call them the EU) would discourage the petulant child from being so selfish, and would praise the other child for her maturity in offering to share.

The Spanish government and judiciary persists with their campaign against Basque nationalism, unabated. This year we saw a clear attack on democratic norms when the political party Sortu was banned, even after it met Spanish demands that all political parties denounce terrorism. Scores of nationalists have been arrested in police operations and face lengthily prison sentences, sometimes for political ‘offences’. Last week, the former spokesperson of Batasuna, and figure widely regarded as a natural leader of radicalism, who would be key to any negotiations, Arnaldo Otegi was imprisoned for ten years, on spurious charges.

Dr Alonso, I put this question to you. How do all parties achieve peace in Spain.

Monday, November 1, 2010


Several weeks ago I received a letter in the post from my local Fianna Fáil TD Mary Wallace. It was a response in relation to an email I sent her regarding 'The Poor can't Pay' campaign. Attached was a letter from the Minister for 'Social protection' (what a laugh!!!) Eamonn Ó Cuiv thanking Ms Wallace for her representations on my behalf and assuring her that the concerns raised in the email by 'The poor can't pay', which I as an Irish republican wholeheartedly support, would be taken into consideration....

Fast forward to October 30th. Yours truly had spent quite an enjoyable evening in Dublin having caint agus craic with some foreign nationals in Ireland for holidays. I return to see Minister Ó Cuiv on the RTÉ aertel promising (sugar coated as warning) us of massive cutbacks in his department's expenditure, with welfare payments to bare a large brunt (i think it listed them as 38% of the dept budget)


That is how I feel... I could never defame someone like that... until now.

Fast forward 24 hours... Defence minister Tony Kileen refuses to rule out doubling the stealth tax on students, the registration fee. 12 months after coming down and ruling out introducing third level undergraduate fees. The cheek of these people to punish STUDENTS for the mess of the bankers can only be described as one thing....


an eighteen year old entering third level education in August 2011 was only born at the birth of the Celtic tiger. He or she certainly did not profit from it. So WHY THE FUCK should he or she pick up the tab whilst SCUMBAG BANKERS sit atop their yachts and mansions LAUGHING AT US THE IRISH PEOPLE.

In six years time we will honour the 100th anniversary of the Easter Rising and the turning of Irish history. The same scumbags will pay lip service and 'celebrate' these people over their caviar and 15 year old brandy.

Its time for us the regular people of Ireland to finish the signatories view.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Letter to imprisoned Askapena comrades


It was with great dismay that we in Ireland heard of your arrest and the ordeal that you and your families now face. We hope this offers you some comfort that we are thinking about you and we will not stop putting the pressure on our political enemies to end the repression of your countrymen and women, our revolutionary brothers and sisters. Every new wave of arrests brings more worries to Irish shores, another person who we have met, shared a drink with, or know intimately arrested. We remember you all, especially for the great hospitality you always show us on our travels. Remember you, and all the other Basque prisoners of war are in our thoughts. We love and cherish you all, and we strive for your swift and immediate release, and for the safety of all our Basque comrades to express them freely without interference or harassment from the servants of the Spanish state, We are especially angered that even in the face of recent developments in Euskal Herria, the Spanish seem resolute in preventing the democratic rights of the Basque people to agitate for their freedom. Remember comrades we are all proud of you. Please remember the words of one of our greatest Irish heroes Bobby Sands MP "Everybody republican or otherwise has their own part to play. No part is too big, no part is too small"

Thank you for playing yours. We promise we will never stop playing ours

Signed on behalf of Limerick Basques
Ross Taylor

Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Drunken European leader

In previous rants we have been reminded about the state in which our country has found itself in these last few years. Scumbag millionaire has been thrown around at will on this blog, and I do realise now I have probably taken meaning from this phrase, and for this I do apologise... We now have to find a phrase that can truly summarise the contemptuous vile repugnant worms that have risen to financial prominence in the boom years of the Celtic Tiger....

Let me guess....
I'm really thinking hard now folks...

Does any body have objections to that phrase being BIFFO??!!

There it is folks... five letters that truly encapsulate this new breed of SAVAGE, CUTTHROAT, FUCKING PIRATES!!!

There must seriously be something wrong with the five million odd people living on the island of Ireland, that we just don't know about! Im deadly serious... Because right now we are the LAUGHING STOCK of the world... Do we have bad body odour?! Are our teeth rotting in our heads?! Are we just incoherently stupid?!

Ireland has reverted back to the 'stage Irishman' role in the theatre of world economics and politics... Everyone is laughing at us....

And our Taoiseach....
drunkenly mumbling incoherent gibberish on NATIONAL AIRWAVES!!!!!

If Nicholas Sarkhozy had the same contempt for the people of France, we would see riots in the streets of Paris, akin to the days of the French Republic!!!

The only other comprehendable world leader who shows this kind of contempt for public office is a dwindling, wrinkled old neo-fascist who in every sense of the way is running a dictatorship that one of his predecessors would be proud of.. (For those of you that don't know, the Italian PM, 80-odd year old Silvio Burlosconi owns state media in Italy, and is heavily involved in most of the nations major corporations, including possibly their largest sporting club AC Milan)

The sense of ignorance Cowen has shown this week is baffling... He and his Fianna Fáil cohorts are partying into the early hours of the morning in Galway, and floating round ideas about ATM taxes, whilst the country is on its knees!!!!!!

Unfortunately, this is the plethora of right wing politics...
Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael, the Conservative Party, Spain's PP and PSOE...
They are elected to provide themselves with privilege, not to serve the people who voted them in (unless those voters are of course BIFFOS)

It makes a true left wing republican like myself want to cry

I can only imagine what all of our martyrs are feeling at the pathetic mess these BIFFOS have created for the socialist paradise Pearse, Connolly et al dreamed of

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ireland.... a paradise for millionaires

Ireland... Land of saints and scholars... home to pints of guinness and measures of jameson... Bono and Shane McGowan...

Bord Fáilte really wouldn't be doing their job if they told the truth... Tourists wouldn't be attracted to the awful truth....


Ivor Callelly, Séan Fitzpatrick.... the list goes on.

And the bane of our people, the source of all that is evil and rotten about Ireland... FIANNA FáIL

Oh how I cursse 1926.... the year that engine for political coruptness and deceit was born.

However I do also curse the rotten fact that they have led my country for the last 13 rotten years...

and all thanks to..... FUCKING IDIOT VOTERS!!!

Oh how I hate every single person who at the last general election put a number 1 beside the photo of the degenerate, greasy, slimy sleazebag who represented that shower of blood sucking, welfare cutting, banker supporting DEGENERATES!!!!

And why do they vote for these charlatans..... BECAUSE DADDY VOTED FIANNA FáIL!!!!


If daddy was an axe murderer would you go around slicing people like meat cutlets?!!!

Yet you may aswell take a carving knife to the children of this country for what you are doing to their future by voting without a pair of testes (symbolic for our female voters of course)

Which brings me to part II of this rant....


Let me guess.... YOU TOLD THE ELECTORATE LIES!!!!!

You ignored the democratic will of the Irish people and sent a second hand treaty back to us where the RETARDS of our electorate duly rattified it....

Reasons why?

Europe has been good to us....

Not false, but very short sighted...

Europe has taken more from the pockets of Irish workers than reinvested into our infrastructure... The Common Fisheries Policy and the Common Agriculture Policy to name 2 draconian measures that have taken money from Ireland and sent it to Brussels...

Thanks to the EU nowadays Spain has more fisheries rights in Irish waters than.... wanna take a guess... FUCKING IRELAND!!!!

I'm gonna end this rant before I veer off into an anti-Spanish cascade yet again...

Keep watching!!

Saturday, August 14, 2010


By now everybody has gotten over the festival of soccer on show the world watched in South Africa. The Scottish Premier League started well for me... a 1-0 away win at Inverness Caley Thistle. Soccer is a great game, played all over the world and one of the most popular forms of expression known to us. I love soccer. The vast majority of Irish people would share my opinion, it's the third most popular game in this country behind Gaelic Games and rugby.

How so then are Irish people FUCKING RETARDS when it comes to supporting teams??!!

During the world cup, the one that the cheating, diving whinging and moaning 'Spanish' (editors note, the vast majority of the 23 man squad was Catalan and Basque) FUCKING ROBBED, the Irish people, with noble and educated exceptions of course, cheered them onto glory.

Gangs of drunken jackeens chanted olé olé olé whilst these bastards cheated their way to the final. The scene of the horrific shooting last week, McDonoghs pub in Bettystown FLEW A SPANISH FLAG!! (Editor's note thank fuck I decided after seeing that piece of shit flying to boycott them!)

I honestly thought of tearing it down and proceeding to wipe my arse with it in front of the drunken jackeen idiot clientelle.

The Spanish team were NOT deserving winners of the world cup, and should have been jeered and booed by every soccer fan with half a brain....

But of course in Ireland soccer fans ARE IDIOTS!!

Manchester United, Liverpool, Chelsea and Arsenal.

These are the teams who enjoy the support of these Irish MUPPETS! ENGLISH TEAMS!!!!!

If you retort by reminding me that I support a Scottish team, I SWEAR TO FUCK I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN AND IMPAIL YOU ON A RUSTY WWI BAYONNET!!!!! Celtic were founded by an Irishman, Brother Walfrid from Sligo, to provide chairty for the destitute immigrant community of Ireland. They take pride in their Irish heritage so much that they attend regular charity functions in this country for IRISH charities and they fly the flag over Parkhead, more fondly known as paradise.

These so-called 'big four' are English teams with NO CONNECTION WHATSOEVER to this country. Your €60 for the new home top probably pays for Colleen Rooney's failed attempts to become famous! STOP SUPPORTING THESE TEAMS!!

Chelsea have a known scum fanbase, with links to the BNP and EDL. Liverpool are a shower of flute toting Orangemen.

These Irish shitheads only go after teams with money and television attraction.

Celtic have character. The only team to have won the European Cup with a team not only from the same country, but the same city!!